Church Directory Opt In/Out

If you opt in to our directory, your email address, phone number and photo will be available in the People section of Breeze. The People section of Breeze is only accessible to GCF family who have created a Breeze account.

You can update your contact information at any time in the "My Profile" section of your Breeze account. Any other personal information (e.g. home address) you are able to see and edit is only visible to staff and key members of GCF's leadership team.
Please select one option.


If you opt in to our directory, your email address, phone number and photo will be available in the People section of Breeze. The People section of Breeze is only accessible to GCF family who have created a Breeze account.

You can update your contact information at any time in the "My Profile" section of your Breeze account. Any other personal information (e.g. home address) you are able to see and edit is only visible to staff and key members of GCF's leadership team.